In your typical brick and mortar V01C3 churches, your average run-of-the-mill phony plastic christian especially fake pastors love to sell you fake "jeebus" instead of the real Jesus Christ. From they way they talk about Jesus, they will have you believe that Jesus was some doormat who's only purpose here on earth was to be trappled on, ramble on and on about love and nothing else. That couldn't be any further from the truth. Sure Jesus would talk about love sometimes but not as often as they would have you think. Jesus wasn't afraid talk about the important truths and the harsh, grim realities of earth, touchy topics labeled taboo for the time.
The things Jesus would say would shake people, some would ponder his teachers and take heed to them, while others would reject him, perscute him and would go to great lengths to kill him. Jesus wasn't a weak person, he was mentally strong, he could be pretty confrontational at times, he wasn't afraid say what was on his mind no matter how controversial because it was the truth even though he knew it would attract the ire of nefarious people.
Most pastors don't talk about how Jesus warn us about false prophets who would come to us in sheep's clothing but inactuality are "ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15), most pastors are wolves in sheep's clothing who pretend to be Men of God but are only there to deceive people and lead them on the broadway to destruction, straight to hell. They also don't want you paying attention to the fact that Jesus clearly stated the chances of a camel going through the eye of a needle (With Man this isn't possible but with God anything is possible) are higher than a rich man entering kingdom of heaven(Matthew 19:24).they're a whole load of rich pastors and just rich people general, I wonder to myself do they not read their Bible.
Jesus taught us in the last days, most people will be on the broadway to destruction and are going to hell and very few people will be on the strait and narrow path to heaven (Matthew 7:13). So where do people get the idea that most will be saved in the end by Jesus when that's far from the truth. Another thing you see in Modern Churches is Paul worship, Pastors love to ramble incessantly about the Paul letters as if the words of Paul are some how comparable to and more important than the words of Jesus Christ. Paul was a snake and Christan murderer who preached his own gospel.
Jesus would cause a scene at the synnagogues and confront the moneychangers for turning the house of prayer, a place to worship God into "a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:13). the parable of the "wheat and the tares" (Matthew 13:36) He warned us about the "tares", the evil people that rule this earth, they're everywhere, you're surrounded by them. He told us that tares were planted by satan, They are the childen of the wicked one and they are of their father the devil. They lie, deceive and commit all manners of evil just like their father Satan. He warned us that we should swear any oaths at all not even by God (Matthew 5:34).the higher ups, many celebrities and even everyday people take oaths all the time, it's very prominent in freemasonry and politics especially in America when a new president is elected, they swear on the bible.
These are just a few verses and many more that most plastic phony christians wouldn't touch within a 10ft pole, they don't like talking about the real Jesus, unlike "jeebus" his words actually hold weight, they're important, they're the truth, they will actually lead people to salvation. They would rather talk about verses like John 3:16 and ramble on and on about love instead. Follow Jesus and Repent! He's coming back soon.
I've made links to all the verses I referenced below:
Bible Verses:
Matthew 7:15
Matthew 19:24
Matthew 7:13
Matthew 21:13
Matthew 13:38
Matthew 5:34